7 ways to improve business productivity in 2023

It can be tough getting back into the rhythm of a new working year, even if you only had a few days off over summer. But with the kids back at school and people heading into the office, the rhythm of our collective business as usual life is once again upon us. To hit the ground running, it’s a great time to look at ways you can help improve business productivity in 2023.

1. Get organised

Whether its clearing out your inbox, streamlining processes or researching new software to help free you and your people from mundane tasks, getting organised at the beginning of the year can go a long way to keeping you organised for the whole twelve months. Try blocking out time in your calendar to get things done and stay on track.

2. Prioritise

If you’re watching your new email notifications tick over into triple numbers, 50 Asana updates flash in the bottom right corner of your monitor and there’s seven meeting requests waiting  – and that’s just today – take a few minutes to look at what needs to be done today and what can wait.

3. Modify your daily routine

Are you not at your most productive during the first 30 minutes of your working day? Then don’t schedule an important meeting, use that time to sit quietly with your coffee and plan your day. It’ll help you stay organised, prioritise your work and be ready to hit the ground running.

4. Get a second monitor

Did you know that dual monitors can increase productivity by a whopping 42 percent! A 2017 study also found users reported an increase in enjoyment as they weren’t constantly having to toggle between browsers or software programs. And every boss knows a happy employee is more likely to feel more engaged at work.

5. Don’t micromanage your teams

While all leaders need to effectively manage their teams, nobody likes to be micromanaged. If you can’t allow your employees to take more ownership of the work or projects, you need to look at why. Do they need more training or to be upskilled? When you show your people you trust them to do the jobs they were employed to do, you’re not only improving business productivity for everyone, but you’re also building a positive working environment.

6. Use technology to improve business productivity

Have you been thinking about moving your business into the Cloud to save not just time and money, but so you can also offer your employees the opportunity to work from home a few days a week? Other than access from anywhere in the world with a stable internet connection, benefits of cloud computing also include:

  • Business continuity – no more files lost forever.
  • Flexibility – streamline IT management costs and your processes while optimising performance and improving future forecasting.
  • Scalability – quickly scale operational needs and data storage capacity as your business needs change, and
  • Staying up to date – say goodbye to lagging, outdated programs.

7. Outsource your cyber security

By outsourcing your business cyber security needs to professionals like The IT Agency, you’re freeing yourself and your team from more than just manual updates. We offer tailored packages to suit your business so you’ll only pay for what you need.

Depending on your package, you’ll also have access to one on one Help Desk support and/or self service portals but everyone has 24/7 managed IT services. And with cybercrimes on the rise, you’ll have the peace of mind knowing your business is in the safest of hands.

We look forward to discussing how we can help you improve business productivity in 2023 and beyond.